
Internship Program

Optima Landman Internship Program


the next generation of landmen and attorneys

Optima Land Services has always had its eye out for the new generation of landmen that can embrace the ever changing technological landscape of our industry. In the spring of 2019, Optima recruited a talented group of 8 interns from accredited energy management and law schools around the country and provides them with an 8-week comprehensive land internship program. From the basics of obtaining runsheets and indexing at the courthouse, to understanding curative issues derived from title opinions and running mineral leasehold title, the interns were able to return to college with real world experience, parlayed with an understanding of how our industry works. Optima was also able to show them around the glamorous city of Midland, planning events like seeing the Midland Rockhounds baseball team, golf outings and summer mummers.

Optima will continue this tradition and is committed to educating the next generation of Landmen and Oil & Gas Attorneys. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to us.
